Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Back exercises by Chia Way

Whether it's beach season or off-season growth time, it seems like every guy in every gym obsesses over chest training. While chest training is certainly a critical part of any program, it's not the end-all, be-all most guys make it out to be.

Back training often passed over because you can't see your back while you train. You can build up great muscle groups at the front of your body because you can see them in the mirror, but consistently training your lats, traps, rhomboids, and rear delts takes a lot more effort.

People who are serious about creating a great physique know that a thick, wide back is going to distinguish them from other competitors, athletes, and lifters. Understanding the anatomy and movement patterns of your body will make your back training more effective and efficient.

The exercises I recommend require strength and basic gym skills, it is better to get weight lifting belt to support and protect your back. 

Exercise 1 - Chin-up (4 sets to failure)
Exercise 2 - Bent Over Barbell Row (4 sets of 8-10)
Exercise 3 - One-Arm Dumbbell Row (4 sets of 8-10)
Exercise 4 - Deadlifts (4 sets of 6-8)
Exercise 5 - T-Bar row (4 sets of 8-10)
Exercise 6 - Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown (5 sets of 8-10)

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